# Sunday, 12 September 2004

I come out to my car at the Home Depot today to find one of those really irritating advertisements under my wiper blade. Generally, I just swallow hard and throw these things away at the first opportunity, but this time was different.

Bally Total Fitness (or their agent) has placed a glossy door hanger under my wiper whilst it is raining. Guess what? This door-hanger-turned-leaflet has become rather glue-like and it sticks to my window! After some scraping and a car-wash, it has started to come off, but there are still several little specs of paper almost etched into the glass now.

This irritated me at so many levels:

  • They did not have permission to market on the property there.
  • They used a door hanger on car windows (thus, likely the reason it changed in the rain).
  • The very fact that they use this as a marketing method at all.

Presumably someone has demonstrated that marketing this way works. Really? Who are the people that buy products or services based on a piece of paper on their car window? Are these the same people that brag about how there multi-level-marketing scheme has allowed them to purchase a Cadillac... but it turns out to be an early '80s model that shouldn't have spent so much time in the coastal, salty air? In other words, who are these idiots?

Sunday, 12 September 2004 19:49:00 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #    Comments [0]