# Wednesday, 20 October 2004

A wonderful Portland Nerd Dinner last evening. Several new faces - some on their way to the XML DevCon, others just visiting from afar, and yet more attending for the first time.

Jesann went with me to this one... it was a great chance for her to get some shopping done at the mall. I've been trying to get her to come see all of these nerds for several months now :-).

We even got a picture of IBM (Ed Brill), Microsoft (Robert Scoble), and Sun (Tim Bray) together. Détente!

It's such a pleasure to meet up with such a wide variety of people. I suppose it emphasizes the value of the Nerd Dinners. They are a place where people with a technical bent can get together and chat for a while.

Make sure to watch for your local Nerd Dinner at NerdDinner.com.

Wednesday, 20 October 2004 09:07:29 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #    Comments [2]
Wednesday, 27 October 2004 13:22:38 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)
Detente, except that..two of three of us have our eyes closed. What do you suppose that means? ;)
Wednesday, 27 October 2004 13:30:01 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)
"I think I can, I think I can...."
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