# Saturday, 23 April 2005

One of our fairly regular attendees to the Portland Nerd Dinners has started his blog!

At this last week's Nerd Dinner, I was amazed that John Hann hadn't already started sharing his knowledge with the world by self-publishing on a weblog. Then, last night at the Pirillo-inspired Geek Dinner, we had a chance to talk about it and I see that he took the leap today.

Welcome, John! After what I've heard from you, I'm expecting some great material on your blog... but, no pressure ;-).

Saturday, 23 April 2005 22:37:58 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #    Comments [1]
Sunday, 24 April 2005 00:34:51 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)
Pressure? HA! Once I begin to disseminate my knowledge via RSS, the swarming masses will herald the eminence of my intellect and the blogosphere shall be mine!

You've made a wise move, Hubbins. There just might be a position for you when the New Order arrives.
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