# Friday, 04 March 2005

Amazing that it's been two weeks since I last posted. I actually got a note from a friend today wondering if everything was okay! If nothing else, it sure is nice to know someone cares :-).

The short version is, I'm not on the computer enough lately. At least not long enough to gather my thoughts and leave a note for posterity. I started a job with a company in Hillsboro named Daverci. They are developing software that will be used between pharmacies and long-term care facilities to track medications and initialize orders. It's one of those areas that is still too dependent on paper.

It's great to actually go out and do the coding that I've been practicing for in school. I'm feeling pretty good about what I've learned, too.

On the other side of things, Jesann had a lump found. Talk about your massive bit of stressor. This one has been making me crazy for weeks now. It's hard to know what to say or do... I don't usually lack so much for words. This week, we found out that they should be able to make her well with a (relatively) simple lumpectomy. It's really strange how, what would have been bad news a month ago (the lumpectomy), is suddenly a miraculous event.

I really have to thank the folks at Daverci for allowing me the time to go with Jesann to the doctor appointments. I don't know if I'm doing all that much, but I sure as heck don't want to be away from her during these things.

Oh... and to that point, Legacy Good Samaritan, your people are wonderful and caring (thanks, Denise!), but please, don't ever try keeping me from going in with my wife again for a simple procedure. I'm not going to faint if I'm there, but I will have a problem if I'm not. It's that important to me.

I'm sure my blogging will continue to be a bit more spaced out (time-wise, not tone-wise ;-)), but I'll try to be better. Heck, with Nerd Dinner time approaching and the next PADNUG meeting right around the corner, I have to get some posting done!

Friday, 04 March 2005 23:15:44 (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #    Comments [3]Tracked by:
"Our Surgery Day" (Rich "The Hubbins" Claussen) [Trackback]
Sunday, 06 March 2005 07:23:07 (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)
Congrats on the new job! Thanks for the update about Jesann. We'll be sure to keep your family in our prayers.
Monday, 07 March 2005 11:28:57 (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)
Sorry to hear about Jesann's scare...but I'm glad to hear that it should be a relatively simple procedure. Don't know you or your family other than by blog, but I'll keep you in my prayers regardless.
Wednesday, 16 March 2005 00:08:36 (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)
I feel awful Rich! I need to be reading your posts more ofter...
Great news about getting to do finally what you trained for, terrible news about that scare. Senior project may have taken alot out of me, but not nearly enough to be thinking about Jesann and yourself! Both Jill and I are thinking about you two, and want you to two to get better as soon as possible.
I want very much to be at Nerd Dinner, and will more than likely see you and the gang there!

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