# Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Wonderful weather we're having out this way! I suppose not everyone agrees; Greg doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as I do. Hey, in these modern times, I have full access to my work from home, so I don't find it necessary to leave the house.

Jesann had some fun... as you will see at the right, we now have a well-dressed snow-farmer sitting in the front yard ! She should get an award for this one.

Derek Porter Video As Greg mentions, there have been some exciting events around here, too. Not surprisingly, there have been many accidents and road related problems. This year, a gentleman near downtown Portland was able to capture several problems from his apartment. Derek Porter's Video can be reached by clicking the image on the left (although, the site has been up and down) and it is really amazing.

The video was submitted to KGW by a gentleman by the name of Derek Porter. Apparently, there was at least fifteen collisions and you just have to feel sorry (sorta) for the driver of the Volvo at the beginning of the clip. They said he was the only person to sustain any injuries and they were minor.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007 08:23:55 (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #    Comments [0]
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