# Thursday, 07 October 2004

One year ago today, I set up dasBlog on my personal website and started entering the occasional tidbit of life. I started the concept a couple months previous on Blogger, tried a few personal blogging systems, then finally settled on dasBlog. I've been happy since.

As I look back, the first entry was school related. It was at the beggining of my Senior Project. I probably should have made more notes to myself regarding the trials and tribulations I encountered through that project, but I kept spending my time doing the project instead of writing about it. It went well, I am pleased with the results, and will pull it out and add more to it one day soon.

I enjoy having the outlet this blog provides. I don't expect that there will be any overwhelming number of people visiting here, but it is satisfying to commit thoughts and anecdotes to a more permentant space.

I see the next year expanding the technical content in this space. I know enough now (so I think) to come up with some useful tidbits now and then and will start cataloging those items here. Further, I'm increasing my involvement with the development community by, among other things, taking on the roll of Outreach Coordinator with PADNUG, our local .NET User Group. I'm very excited about this as I'm already such a big fan of the group.

Here's to many more years of blogging and enjoyment. Thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, 07 October 2004 22:59:20 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #    Comments [4]