# Friday, 17 September 2004

Here is my 4¢ on the rate information (zipped version) gathered at the August PADNUG meeting:

  • First, by no means was this a scientifically based survey – neither by methodology nor by sample.
  • As was pointed out by Ken, there was no differentiation between contractors and employees. Several of the respondents provided their hourly wage and some included their benefits as part of that number.
  • Also called out was the impression that VB rates were higher than C#. Well, when you see the actual data, you will find that there was only one person that indicated C# as their tool and I believe that person was an employee. There were eight people that wrote “.NET,” four people indicating “ASP.NET,” and nine that fell into the “other” category. Many of those persons are likely using C# and would have changed the balance substantially.
  • The “years of experience” written on the cards was interpreted differently by the audience. Some put their total programming experience, some, their experience with a given tool. Further, ten people did not provide the information. To provide more accurate data, we would need to better define that category.

If there is enough interest in PADNUG, we may want to formalize this survey and retake it with a larger group. Please feel free to let me know your interest level and we can go from there.

Friday, 17 September 2004 23:40:49 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00)  #    Comments [0]Tracked by:
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