# Monday, 17 November 2003

Richard Tallent mentions the pleasure of using a 'PVR' for your viewing pleasure. I have to agree 100% with him.

We finally moved to satellite (Dish) this year and I popped for the PVR option. It has changed the way we watch TV. My wife, who is not the gadget-head that I am, even loves it.

I here some people say that they don't watch all that much television. I think those people will appreciate the device even more. Imagine that the occasions that you do choose to sit down and watch the telly, you get to watch your favorite programming. No more surfing all 200+ channels to find that there is nothing on.

and don't get me started on commercial skipping!

If you don't have a PVR, you won't understand the difference it makes to your viewing habits.

Monday, 17 November 2003 15:23:26 (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #    Comments [0]